We are excited to see our students back! First Day of school is August 28th! ¡Estamos muy contentos de ver a nuestros estudiantes de vuelta! ¡El primer día de clases es el 28 de agosto!
11 months ago, Marie Shimer
1st day of school
New this year! Parents will be able to pay ASB and other fees through the parent portal - select "school store" to see what items are currently available for your student's building. ¡Nuevo este año! Los padres podrán pagar ASB y otras cuotas a través del portal de padres - seleccione "tienda de la escuela" para ver qué artículos están actualmente disponibles para el edificio de su estudiante.
12 months ago, Marie Shimer
Parents/Guardians thank you for your patience! Online registration links will be going out to the email address parents have registered with us. IF you do not recieve an email please check your spam folder before contacting your student's school. ¡Padres/Guardianes gracias por su paciencia! Los enlaces de inscripción en línea se enviarán a la dirección de correo electrónico que los padres han registrado con nosotros. Si usted no recibe un correo electrónico por favor revise su carpeta de spam antes de ponerse en contacto con la escuela de su estudiante.
12 months ago, Marie Shimer
Hard to believe! But it is time to register for the 23-24 school year! ¡Difícil de creer! ¡Pero ya es hora de matricularse para el curso 23-24!
12 months ago, Marie Shimer
Back to School
Back to School SP
The new school year is fast approaching! We have a new registration system and will be sending online registration instructions to all existing families through email the second week in August. Families new to the district will need to go into the building to start the registration process. ¡El nuevo año escolar se acerca rápidamente! Tenemos un nuevo sistema de registro y enviaremos instrucciones de registro en línea a todas las familias existentes a través de correo electrónico la segunda semana de agosto. Las familias nuevas en el distrito tendrán que ir al edificio para iniciar el proceso de registro.
12 months ago, Marie Shimer
Back to School
Remember to call and schedule your adolescent well care / sports physical!
almost 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
We are still looking for some great staff across the district! https://morrow.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
about 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
We are hiring!
Congratulations to all our seniors!
about 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
We are hiring for the 23-24 School Year!
about 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
We are hiring!
🌟Congrats to Heppner's Dave Fowler! 🍎 Congratulations to all our Crystal Apple Award winners from Morrow County School District! We are thrilled to recognize their excellence in education and their dedication to the success of our students. Dave Fowler is the Technology Education Teacher at Heppner Jr/Sr High School. He has worked for the Morrow County School District for 33 years. Dave demonstrates a strong passion for educating students and providing them with life skills, actively engaged in supporting and fostering opportunities for them. Described as a consummate professional, Dave brings patience, skill, and energy to his classroom. He has served as the State Director for Oregon TSA (Technology Student Association) for the past five years and has been the advisor for the school’s Outdoor Club for 20 years. “His connection to students and building positive, caring relationships that create a deeper level of student connection is a model for what we hope all educators would be able to do.”
about 1 year ago, InterMountain ESD
Crystal Apple
Teacher appreciation week!
about 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Teacher appreciation
Time for Kindergarten Roundup! ¡Hora de la ronda de jardín de infancia!
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Round Up
Attention Sophomores and Juniors! Applications for the 23-24 High School Internship program are due this week! Returning interns will also need to re-apply for positions. ¡Atención estudiantes de segundo y tercer año! Las solicitudes para el programa de prácticas en institutos 23-24 deben presentarse esta semana. Los pasantes que regresan también tendrán que volver a aplicar para las posiciones.
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Spring Break!
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
The Morrow County High School Internship program is now accepting applicants for the 2023-2024 School Year! Positions are open for next year’s juniors and seniors. Students can contact their school counselors or the POM Workforce Development office for more information. workforce@portofmorrow.com ¡El programa de pasantías de la escuela secundaria del condado de Morrow ahora está aceptando aplicaciones para el año escolar 2023-2024! Las posiciones están abiertas para los juniors y seniors del próximo año. Los estudiantes pueden comunicarse con sus consejeros escolares o con la oficina de desarrollo de la fuerza laboral de POM para obtener más información. workforce@portofmorrow.com
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Internship opportunity
The phone system at our Heppner schools is currently not working. In order to reach Heppner Elementary please use 541-966-4828 and please use 541-966-4838 to reach Heppner Jr/Sr High. We hope the situation will be resolved by Monday.
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Important Notice
Don't forget to nominate your favorite teacher for Oregon's Teacher of the Year Awards! Nominations are open statewide through February 28, 2023. Anyone can nominate a teacher at this link: 🍏--> https://oregonteacheroftheyear.org/nominate/ ¡No se olvide de nominar a su maestro favorito para los Premios al Maestro del Año de Oregón! Las nominaciones están abiertas en todo el estado hasta el 28 de febrero de 2023. Cualquiera puede nominar a un maestro en el enlace: 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 #OregonTeacheroftheYear #Teachers #Teach
over 1 year ago, InterMountain ESD
Heppner schools will be on a 3 hour delay today, Friday the 24th, due to extreme cold temperatures, drifting snow, and spots of ice.
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Reminder that we have school this Friday, February 24th. Recordatorio de que tenemos colegio este viernes 24 de febrero.
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Parent information
MCSD has several job openings in all three communities - both licensed and classified. MCSD tiene varias ofertas de trabajo en las tres comunidades - tanto con licencia y clasificados. https://morrow.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
No Hiring